Power plant engineering diploma Book pdf free download
Power plant engineering diploma Book pdf free download करने के लिए पीडीएफ का लिंक नीचे दिया हुआ है
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Power plant engineering diploma Book pdf free download यहां पीडीएफ विभिन्न सूत्रों से प्राप्त की गई है इस पीडीएफ को हमारी वेबसाइट के थ्रू उपलब्ध कराना का मकसद मात्र छात्रों की सहायता करना ही है कि यह पीडीएफ ज्ञान कैंपस के माध्यम से प्राप्त की गई है अधिक जानकारी के लिए ज्ञान कैंपस की यूट्यूब चैनल पर विजिट करें
About power plant syllabus
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The majority of the diploma passouts who get employment in State Electricity Boards have to
perform various activities in the field of generation, transmission and distribution of electrical
power. The range of these activities vary from simple operation and maintenance of
equipment, lines, fault location, planning and designing of simple distribution schemes,
executive and supervisory control in power stations, transmission and distribution networks in
addition to administrative jobs including public relations. They should also be made aware of
recent developments, current practices in the electricity departments, corporations and boards
to keep them abreast with modern techniques in transmission and distribution of electrical
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
• Distinguish and select suitable resource of energy required for a particular area and
• Calculate effective cost generation
• Explain the working of various plants for power generation
1. Power Generation (06 Periods)
1.1 Main resources of energy, conventional and non-conventional
1.2 Different types of power stations-thermal, hydro, gas, diesel and nuclear power
stations, comparison of generating stations.
2. Thermal Station (10
Main parts and working of stations-thermodynamic cycles, fuel handling, combustion
and combustion equipment, problem of ash disposal, circulating water schemes and
supply of make up water, choice of pressure of steam generation and steam
temperature, selection of appropriate vaccum; economizer, air pre-heater feed water
heaters and dust collection. Characteristics of turbo alternators, steam power plant heat
balance and efficiency
3. Hydro-Electric Plant (8 Periods)
Hydrology, stream flow, hydrograph, flow duration curves. Types of hydroelectric
plants and their fields of use, capacity calculations for hydropower, Dams, head water
control, penstrocks, water turbines, specific speeds, turbine governors. Hydroplant
auxiliaries, plant layout, automatic and remote control of hydroplants, pumped storage
projects, cost of hydro-electric projects. Cooling of alternators.
4. Nuclear Power Plant (9
Elements of nuclear power plant, nuclear reactor, fuels, moderators, coolants, control.
Classification of nuclear power stations. Cost of nuclear power.
5. Diesel Power Plant (6
Diesel engine performance and operation, Plant layout, Log sheets, applications,
selection of engine size.
6. Gas Turbine Plant (9
Plant layout, methods of improving output and performance. Fuels and fuel systems.
Methods of testing. Open and clsed cycle plants. Operating characteristics.
Applications. Free piston engine plants, limitation and applications. Non conventional
energy sources.
7. Combined Working of Power Plant (10
Advantages of combined working of different types of power plants. Need for co-
ordination of various types of power plants in power systems, base load stations and
peak load stations.
8. Economics of Generation (12
8.1 Fixed and running cost, load estimation, load curves, demand factor, load factor,
diversity factor, power factor and their effect on cost of generation, simple
8.2 Base load and peak load power stations, concept of regional and national grid,
reason of grid failure and its remedies.
9. Non Conventional Source of Energy (5 Periods)
Introduction, Concept of Solar Energy, Bio Mass Energy, Wind Energy, Tidal Energy,
Geothermal Energy, Microhydel Energy, Biodiesel Energy.
Since this is a descriptive and practice oriented subject, it is suggested that visits to different
types of power generating stations and substations including grid stations be arranged and
various equipment, accessories and components explained to the students before the actual
class room teaching and make them familiar with the equipment and accessories installed over
there. There should be at least 3 visits during the semester. The students may be asked to
prepare notes while on visit and submit the report and give seminar. In addition, viva-voce be
conducted to evaluate the knowledge gained during the field visit.
− Assignments and quiz/class tests, mid-term and end-term written tests, model/prototype making
− Actual laboratory and practical work, model/prototype making, assembly and disassembly exercises and