Elizabethan Age | Elizabethan era

   Elizabethan Age | Elizabethan era

Characteristics of Elizabethan age | Elizabethan age in English literature | Elizabethan age writers and their works | Characteristics of Elizabethan age pdf | Romanticism in Elizabethan age | Assignment on Elizabethan age | Translations in Elizabethan Age | Elizabethan Age in English literature ppt

1- Some major dramatists of Elizabethan era was- William Shakespeare Ben Jonson Christopher Marlowe Thomas Dekker Thomas Kyd Robert Greene Thomas Nashe

2- The dramas written in the Elizabethan era are called Elizabethan Drama. During the Elizabethan period Dramas were the most flourished genre in literature.

3- Born- Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England     Baptised- 26 April 1564     Died-        23 April 1616 (aged 52)     Era-           Elizabethan & Jacobean     Spouse(s)-Anne Hathaway ​(m. 1582)​     Children-Susanna Hall, Hamnet Shakespeare & Judith Quiney      Parents- John Shakespeare (father) & Mary Arden (mother)

4- Shakespeare’s Plays....... Hamlet, Macbeth, The Tempest, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night, As you like it, Richard III, The Comedy of Errors, Henry IV 

5- last play of Shakespeare- The Tempest

6- Which one of the following is the most important theater of the Elizabethan age?

Ans - The Globe

7- Who was the Owner and manager of “ The Globe Theater”?

Ans- Shakespeare

8- University wits belongs to ----- Age?

Ans- Elizabethan Age

9- Shakespeare’s plays have been mostly written in-

Ans- Blank Verse

10- Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a ----- tragedy. 

Ans- Political

11- Leader of the University Wits?

Ans- Christopher Marlowe

12- Shakespeare’s “Merchant Of Venice” is 

Ans- Copmedy 

13- What is Shakespeare’s Macbeth?


14- The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd        Edward II by Marlowe        Midas by John Lyly        Everyman        Gorboduc        Tamburlaine        Doctor Faustus        Love’s Labour’s Lost- Shakespeare (comedy)        Everyman in his Humour- Ben Jonson

Some vital (important) questions Elizabethan Age | Elizabethan era

What was the Elizabethan age known for?

The Elizabethan age is considered to be a time of English renaissance that inspired national pride through classical ideals, international expansion, and naval triumph. This English Renaissance saw the flowering of poetry, music and literature.

What happened during the Elizabethan age?

The Elizabethan Era took place from 1558 to 1603 and is considered by many historians to be the golden age in English History. During this era England experienced peace and prosperity while the arts flourished. The time period is named after Queen Elizabeth I who ruled England during this time.

Why Elizabethan age is called Golden Age?

The Elizabethan era is the period of English history when Queen Elizabeth I ruled England (1558-1603). This era is often considered the "Golden Age" of England because it was a time of immense progress, stability, and national pride. During Elizabeth's reign, England flourished politically and economically.

Which is Elizabethan age?

The Elizabethan era is the epoch in the Tudor period of the history of England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558–1603). Historians often depict it as the golden age in English history.

Elizabethan era

Was the Elizabethan era a golden age?

The Elizabethan era in the 16th century was one of adventure, intrigue, personalities, plots and power struggles. At the centre was Queen Elizabeth I, 'The Virgin Queen' and the latter part of her reign (from 1580-1603) has been referred to by some historians as a 'golden age.

How did Queen Elizabeth 1 impact the world?

During her reign, Elizabeth I established Protestantism in England; defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588; maintained peace inside her previously divided country; and created an environment where the arts flourished.

How did the Elizabethan age start?

Queen Mary I, the monarch of England and Ireland since 1553, dies and is succeeded by her 25-year-old half-sister, Elizabeth. The two half-sisters, both daughters of King Henry VIII, had a stormy relationship during Mary's five-year reign.

Tag word for Elizabethan Age | Elizabethan era

Characteristics of Elizabethan age | Elizabethan age in English literature | Elizabethan age writers and their works | Characteristics of Elizabethan age pdf | Romanticism in Elizabethan age | Assignment on Elizabethan age | Translations in Elizabethan Age | Elizabethan Age in English literature ppt

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