EDDE 2 Book pdf free download |electrical design, drawing and estimating 2 pdf
EDDE 2 Book pdf free download |electrical design, drawing and estimating 2 pdf यदि आप डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं तो आपको हमारी इस वेबसाइट के माध्यम से यह सुविधा प्राप्त हो सकती है डाउनलोड बटन नीचे दिया गया है।
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यदि हम किसी भी प्रकार से आपकी सहायता कर पा रहे हैं तो आप अपने दोस्तों को हमारी इस वेबसाइट के बारे में अवश्य बताएं जिससे वह भी हमसे जुड़ कर सहायता प्राप्त कर सकें
यदि आपके पास भी किसी प्रकार की बुक का पीडीएफ है और आप उसे अन्य मित्रों के साथ शेयर करना चाहते हैं तो आप हमारे साथ शेयर कर सकते हैं जिससे हम सभी मित्रों की सहायता कर सकें।
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EDDE 2 syllabus | EDDE 2 Book pdf free download |electrical design, drawing and estimating 2 pdf
5 - 8
A diploma holder in Electrical Engineering is supposed to have ability to :
i) Read, understand and interpret electrical engineering drawings
ii) Communicate and correlate through sketches and drawings
iii) Prepare working drawings of electrical circuits, motor control, earthing and
motor parts
The contents of this subject has been designed to develop requisite knowledge and skills of
electrical drawings in the students of diploma in electrical engineering.
After undergoing the subject, students will be able to:
• recognize contactor and its use in various applications of 3 phase induction motor
• recognize different types of earthing
• name relevant IS specification for earthing
• read and interpret key diagrams
• read and interpret schematic and wiring diagrams
• Prepare estimate of wiring installation.
• Prepare estimate of small sub-station.
1 Contractor Control Circuits (10 periods)
Design of circuit drawing of schematic diagram and power wiring diagram of following
circuits, specification of contactors
1.1 DOL starting of 3-phase induction motor
1.2 3-phase induction motor getting supply from selected feeder
1.3 Forwarding/reversing of a 3-phase induction motor
1.4 Two speed control of 3-phase induction motor
1.5 Limit switch control of a 3-phase induction motor
1.6 Sequential operating of two motors using time delay relay
1.7 Manually generated star delta starter for 3-phase induction motor
1.8 Automatic star delta starter for 3-phase Induction Motor
1.9 Control circuit for cross road signal
2. Earthing (08 periods)
2.1 Concept and purpose of earthing
2.2 Different types of earthing, drawings of plate and pipe earthing
2.3 Procedure of earthing, test of materials required and costing and estimating
2.4 Method of reducing earth resistance
2.5 Relevant IS specifications of earth electrode for earthing a transformer, a high
2.6 Earthing layout of distribution transformer
2.7 Substation earthing layout and earthing materials
2.8 Line diagram of 11kV, 33kV, 66kV, 132 kV sub-stations
3. Schematic Diagram of lighting system of conference room/Theatre/sports stadium
(indoor and outdoor) and Circuits using timers using CAD and, Drawing sheets.
(08 periods)
4. Estimation of Internal Wiring Installation (12 periods)
Estimation of wiring installation for commercial and industrial buildings such as multi-
storied hotels, hospitals, schools, colleges, cinema, community centers, public library,
high rise residential buildings etc. including design of layout, load estimation, Demand
factor and diversity factor, power distribution scheme, list of material with
specifications estimation of cost preparing relevant electrical schedule or rate (CPWD
or PWD) using latest practices, materials and accessories.
5. Estimation of Power Wiring (08 periods)
I.S. specifications and I.E. rules, calculation of current for single and three phase
motors. Determination of sizes of cables, conductors distribution board, main switches
and starters for power circuits. Cost of equipments and accessories and schedule of
material. Estimation and cost of material and work for motors up to 20 H.P., pumpsets
and small workshops.
6. Estimation of Overhead and Underground Distribution Lines (08 periods)
Main components of overhead lines-line supports, cross-arm, clamps, conductors and
staysets, lightening arrestors, danger plates, anti climbing devices, bird guards, jumpers
etc., concerting of poles, earthing of transmission line, formation of lines, specification
of materials for O.H. lines, I.S, specification and I.E. rules. Cost of material and work
for overhead and undergoing lines up to 11 KV only.
7. Estimation of Service Connections (08 periods)
Service connection, types of service connections-overhead and underground for single
story and double story buildings, estimate of materials required for giving service
connection to domestic consumers, commercial consumers and industrial consumers at
L.T. and H.T. costing of material and work in above cases.
8. Estimation of Small Sub-Station (08 periods)
Main equipments and auxiliaries installed on the substation. Estimation of materials
required for a small distribution substation (indoor and outdoor type-platform and pole
mounted). Costing of material and work of above substations.
Note: Draw various schematic and wiring diagrams using graphic package(preferably
1. Earthing
2. Commercial and industrial buildings
3. Power wiring layout and circuits
4. Stays, line crossings, line earthing, end poles and terminal poles, junction poles/towers and transposition
5. Service connection domestic, industrial and agriculture.
6. Substation layout and bus bar arrangements
7. Machine drawings-induction and synchronous machines.
8. Winding of induction machine, 3phase; 1phase.
9. Reading and interpreting practical drawing of wiring installation and control circuits.
10. Winding of synchronous machine 3 phase. (alternator and synchronous motor)
− Design and drawing
− Assignments and quiz/class tests, mid-term and end-term written tests, model/prototype making
1. Electrical Design and Drawings by Raina & Bhattacharya
2. Electrical Design & Drawings by Sarabjeet Singh
3. IEEE Guide 80 for Earthing, IEEE Publication, New York
4. Electrical Design and Drawing by Surjit Singh, North Publication, Jalandhar
5. BIS for Electrical Earthing
6. e-books/e-tools/relevant software to be used as recommended by